
Friday 1 February 2013

Individual analysis of a title sequence and screen shots and link to video

Research into  and analysing a title sequence

The title sequence of SE7EN is set to make you feel uneasy and try to understand what you see, even in the quickest shots. 

Firstly there is a flash of a close up of dead hands on a photo which represents choking and as if they are coming at you, making the audience feel uneasy. The sound is like gun shots at this point to shock and grasp the audiences attention. Next a shadow swoops across the screen to the sound of creeking which creates a tense feeling for the audience as they are curious as to what is to come next from the creeking and what is to come in the film.
There screen time is always dark and sinister which connotates the horror genre, the lack of light and the dark colours in the setting make it scary, there is nothing to see but you can only see and so the audience begins to imagine what might be there. 
Next there is a razor blade which sheds across someones fingers connotating death and getting rid of something. This is happening at the same time as scream like sounds, it is a screeching, metallic sound, which is uncomfortable to listen to, creating an uncomfortable feeling for the audience watching the film it also suggests the rest of the film will be uncomfortable. Throughout the scenes there is too much exposure and it is blurry making it hard to concentrate on pictures. The text is white and seems childlike, like chalk on a board which is creepy when seen with the cinematography of people and death. The words move, and are blurry as if living and somehow animalistic, it is not clam but frantic. The text looks repeated, it has a double exposure as if not in focus and it has a wrong view. 
Bandaged fingers are shown on the screen making the audience curious as to why they are that way, they want to know more. Transitions to different shots become quicker and are shown at a faster pace. The music begins to build and become similar to the sound of a heatbeat, steady and loud, connotating the audiences fear when watching the film.

The hands begin to cut parts of film from a camera and text from books, things such as sexual words as in 'pregnant' and pictures of people too. Something is not right, the audience begin to wonderf hwy it is those words and pictures and want to know more.
 A  boys face is coloured in and writing is scribbled out, they are coloured in the colour red, connotating blood and danger. He crosses out the eyes which suggests jealousy, without eyes tghe boy has nothing to see with, and uis given a lack of identity, maybe the person wishes this upon someone as he is jealous of them.
The images begin to get worse with a flash of a dead body and random body parts become to pop up, there is a head wit a screw driven through it, hair put in a plastic bag and naked people. These paradigms link it to thriller, the death and blood, give you hints of what the film will be about too.

The director David Fincher has directed other films such as, The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo, Fight Club and Panic Room which are thrillers. These films give you anv idea of what the film will be like ansd what to expect from the director.

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