
Saturday 30 March 2013

Evaluation: 5

How did you attract/address your audience?

Our target audience was aimed at 15-35 year olds, so our film had to include features/conventions of a horror film that would be enjoyable for teenagers as well as adults. Using the BBFC website i researched into the contents of 15 films to see what our film is allowed to include and not include- 'Many horror films are rated 15. At 15 there can be strong threat and menace'

We have also reached out to our audience and used appealing techniques for our audience by making it as realistic as possible, so we didn't use any special effects, we used a local normal location, wore outfits that teenagers would wear, used appropriate props and used conventions that would also scare our audience.

In the feedback sheet we created on what they thought of our 2 minute storyline we discovered that these realistic features appealed to our audience as one person put 'it sounds thrilling and scary', and another also put 'it sounds reasonable, and true to life'. They put this, as our description tells the audience that it is set in a local field, uses 3 normal teenage girls and uses a stalker, this could occur in real life.

In our second feedback sheet that we created after we had finished our film, people have given good feedback and have commented with things such as that they liked 'the part when Amy was killed' and when 'Amy gets thrown into the van', they also thought the sound effect of the breathing was effective in scaring people.

However they have also given creative criticism of our film on what wasn't so successful and also given us ideas on how to improve. For example 'the blood could have looked a little more realistic' as we had to use fake blood from a shop and also mix our own using food colouring. We could have improved this by making sure the colour of the blood was more realistic coloured and looked better.

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