
Thursday 17 January 2013


1. Full film:
Title- Pick Me Up
Duration- 90 minutes
Audience- Our chosen film storyline is aimed at the age range of 15-35 year olds, this would mean that the certificate of our film would be a 15 because of the violence, gore and the mask that the killer wears, as it may be too frightening for anyone younger than this as it is a psychological thriller/horror, however, it doesn't involve any swearing so this is why it is rated a 15. Because the storyline is based around three teenage girls, it may be mainly aimed at females, however some males may want to also watch it. The target audience should be interested in horror films, thrillers, and action movies as it involves someone being stabbed as well as girls being chased. The audience should be interested in films such as the Scream franchise, The Blair Witch Project, Madison County, The Lovely Bones and The Friday the 13th franchise, as they all involve people being killed and in most of these horrors/thrillers they feature a masked killer, who's identity is unknown. As the film's location is in a empty area with little around and it will appeal to anyone as it won't feature anything that only people from South Yorkshire will be able to understand. Therefore, our film will be an independent film for small audiences, as it isn't being produced by big hollywood producers or distributors. So, our movie, is more likely to be played in cinemas such as; Parkway, Odeons and other local cinemas in small towns.
Synopsis Summary- Start: The girls are shown on the phone to one another planning a sleepover, whilst there is a scene of another man who is looking on Facebook at the girls profile's.
Middle: The next day the girls go to one of their houses and decide to go out at night to play hide and seek, they are then shown playing there game of hide and seek, where Amy is taken away and stabbed in the back of a van by a masked man.
The two friends realise she is gone and are shown running and trying to ring her, afterwards the audience is shown the girls bloody hand and mobile next to her limp and lifeless body. The girls go back to her house to see if she has gone home but no one answers the door, as they begin to become frantic with worry and start to walk back to the field.
End: A van slowly pulls up and follows the girls down the hill, they start to walk faster, realising that the van is following them. The van then comes to a standstill and the masked man gets out of the van, the girls slowly turn around as the man withdraws a knife and begins to chase them, they scream but no one acknowledges them, and are left running for their lives down the steep hill to one of the girls houses, however she has no key and no one is in. As they are chased they split up and hide and as one of them is killed, the other girl hears her piercing screams and quietly runs away as fast as she can, but to no avail as she is heard and is hunted down like a deer she is stabbed and is left lying in the dark alley alone with her insides on the outside. The man stalks away and blends with the shadows, happy with his work.
Suggested Elements- In our film, we are making it different by including a van as the murderer's get away vehicle and also using a mask to disguise the man's identity, to make him more sinister and scary. This could be seen as similar to films such as the Scream franchise with the Ghostface mask, Leatherface, and the Halloween franchise. Our film could also be seen as different by not having any teenage males as, horror films normally have at least one main male character to conform to the stereotypical couples whereas ours doesn't as we only have a male as the killer.

2. First 2 minutes:
Title- Pick Me Up
Duration- 2 minutes
Audience- Our chosen film storyline is aimed at the age range of 15-35 year olds, this would mean that the certificate of our film would be a 15 because of the violence, gore and the mask that the killer wears, as it may be too frightening for anyone younger than this as it is a psychological thriller/horror, however, it doesn't involve any swearing so this is why it is rated a 15. Because the storyline is based around three teenage girls, it may be mainly aimed at females, however some males may want to also watch it. The target audience should be interested in horror films, thrillers, and action movies as it involves someone being stabbed as well as girls being chased. The audience should be interested in films such as the Scream franchise, The Blair Witch Project, Madison County, The Lovely Bones and The Friday the 13th franchise, as they all involve people being killed and in most of these horrors/thrillers they feature a masked killer, who's identity is unknown. As the film's location is in a empty area with little around and it will appeal to anyone as it won't feature anything that only people from South Yorkshire will be able to understand. Therefore, our film will be an independent film for small audiences, as it isn't being produced by big hollywood producers or distributors. So, our movie, is more likely to be played in cinemas such as; Parkway's, Odeon's and other local cinemas in small towns.
Synopsis Summary-
At the beginning three girls will be shown walking through a derelict field. Girl A suggests that they should play a game of hide and seek and Girl Ais "on". Girls B and C wander towards the trees, to hide, whilst girl A counts. Unbeknown to the girls they are being watched by a man in a mask. As Girls B and C are walking away (to hide), Girl A screams and cries. This is because the masked man is grasping Girl and throwing her into a van. After a few seconds the man in the mask climbs out of the van holding a bloody knife.
The other girl's heard her calling/screaming but ignored her just believing the screams were a way of cheating, and therefore carry on with their game.
The van is seen driving away. The two girls realise and start to find each other in panic (screaming and starting to cry).
Suggested Elements- In our film, we are making it different by including a van as the murderer's get away vehicle and also using a mask to disguise the man's identity, to make him more sinister and scary. This could be seen as similar to films such as the Scream franchise with the Ghostface mask, Leatherface, and the Halloween franchise. Our film could also be seen as different by not having any teenage males as, horror films normally have at least one male character to conform to the stereotypical couples whereas ours doesn't as we only have a male as the killer.

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