
Thursday 31 January 2013

Time Managment- progress report

What I have done so far-
So far I have individually analysed the first fifteen minutes of a similar film to ours with screen shots, the film I chose was Madison County. It is a horror film based on teenagers who are being followed by a man, just like ours as it is based on three teenage girls being stalked by a man.
Secondly I have done two pieces of work on the genre as a prezi presentation which includes details of different genre's, what is included in the horror genre, and the differences between horror and thriller. I also talked about conventions, paradigms.  The second thing for genres I did was the history of genres, and sub genres.
I have also done research into audience of films and the similar films they like and view.

What I am doing next-
I am doing more information on the certificate of horror films and a questionaire.

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