
Friday 19 April 2013

Evaluation - How did you attract/address your audience?

Once we had decided that our film genre was horror and that our film would have a 15 certificate we decided that our target audience would be aged between 15 and 35 and both genders. We also decided that our film would be set in Yorkshire and so we thought our target audience would be mostly from Yorkshire.

This picture is from The Lovely Bones scene that i analysed.
We then conducted research into similar films which we thought our audience would enjoy (for example i analsyed a scene from The Lovely Bones). From this we noticed things such as that they used loud sound effects to make the audience jump or feel tense and so we used this in our film (we used drone sounds in our film). I think that this was a more succesful element of our film.

Softboxes for articifial light.

However a less succesfull element of our film was the lighting. Making it dark was something that our audience suggested that we did. This was because we had to film in daylight in order for the camera to pick us up. To improve this we could use softboxes when filming, however these are expensive and we did not have a large budget.
Generally our feedback was good and so i think that our film did please our target audience and therefore appealed to them.

Some of the responses from our feedback questionnaire.

Monday 8 April 2013

Our Preliminary Exercise

This is our Prelim Exercise that we made before our film. This taught us about the 180 degree, match on action and also shot reverse shot.

Sunday 7 April 2013

Evaluation - Target Audience

As a group we decided that our target audience were aged 15 to 35 and were both male and female. As the characters in our film were very simple (they showed no signs of hobbies or subcultures etc), our film was not targeted at a more specific group of people. We felt that the less specific our target audience was then the more likely our film would be successful because it would be relevant to more people.

During pre-production we made an online form to question our audience about themselves, our story line and other things such as where they think our film would be shown. After gathering the responses we understood that our audience liked our story line, thought our chosen certificate was suitable and also would watch our film at the cinema. A few people also said that they would expect to see our film on TV, which we did not expect.

From this we decided not to change our story line (we had previously been worried that it was too childish) and also work with a 15 certificate by putting a swear word into the script and showing a bloody injury. We also found that the majority of our audience were from Yorkshire and so we decided to keep our Yorkshire accents, rather than try to hide them, when acting. The main reason that we would have changed our accents would have been so that people from other areas would have been more likely to understand us.