
Thursday 13 December 2012

Audience Profile

Our chosen film storyline is aimed at the age range of 15-35 year olds, this would mean that the certificate of our film would be a 15 because of the violence, gore and the mask that the killer wears, as it may be too frightening for anyone younger than this as it is a horror, however, it doesn't involve much swearing so this is why it is rated a 15. Because the storyline is based around three teenage girls, it may be mainly aimed at females, however some males may want to also watch it. The target audience should be interested in horror films, thrillers, and action movies as it involves someone being stabbed as well as girls being chased. The audience should be interested in films such as the Scream franchise, The Blair Witch Project, Madison County, The Lovely Bones and The Friday the 13th franchise, as they all involve people being killed and in most of these horrors/thrillers they feature a masked killer, who's identity is unknown. As the film's location is in an empty field with some houses around it, it will appeal to anyone as it won't feature anything that only people from South Yorkshire will be able to understand. Therefore, our film will be an independent film for small audiences, as it isn't being produced by big hollywood producers or distributors. So, our movie, is more likely to be played in cinemas such as; Parkway, Odeons and other local cinemas in small towns.

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